
“In the brain of all brilliant minds resides in the corner a fool.”


Writing about “Best Practices” can get boring, so I thought I’d take a break this week, and write about some bad engineering practices that I’ve found the absolute hardest to undo once done. Real foot-guns, you could say.

Each of these is a bit controversial in its own way, and that’s how it should be—I’d welcome any counter-views. The prose in this post is a bit more irreverent than normal—in most cases, I’m poking fun at myself (both past and present!), as I’ve been guilty of each of these foot-guns—and a lot of them, frankly I still struggle with. Hopefully this post will generate some “motivation through transparency” 🙂

Engineering Foot-gun #1—Writing clever code instead of clear code

It’s because optimizing is fun. https://xkcd.com/1691
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