logging my thoughts on technology, security & management

Tag: peter principle

The Backlog Peter Principle

A few years ago, I was in one of my ruts. Everything I was working on seemed to be bogged down or low-leverage. What was so frustrating was that this had come on the heels of a few amazingly productive months, where I had gotten a lot done. Worse yet, this seemed to happen cyclically: periods of productivity and a sense of accomplishment were followed by periods of delays and a sense of frustration.

Coincidentally, around the same time, I had just heard of the Peter Principle, which goes something like this:

“Every employee tends to rise to their level of incompetence”

 Laurence J. Peter, THE Peter Principle (1969)
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5 Red Flags Signaling Your Rebuild Will Fail


There’s always a reason to rebuild your app. Always. But once you’ve been through a few rebuilds, you realize that talk of rebuilds, like talk of tax reform or anarchy, is just a tad bit dangerous—you never know what kind of danger you’ll end up in if you actually convince yourself to go through with it.

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